2013 –- 2017-Present implementing VIHAAN project-initiated in Bangalore Urban, continued implementing in Bangalore rural, Kodagu, Hubli distirict respectively .
Projects Carried Out:
“Vihaan” CSC project funded by Alliance India HIV/AIDS : Scaling up Care, Support & Treatment Services for PLHIV in the state. 28 CSC’s at the District level which is an only project implemented in District level Networks.
A Brief on Project:
Care and Support Centre is a national initiative to provide expanded and holistic care and support services for PLHIV. It symbolises a ray of hope in the lives of PLHIV. CSC expands access to essential services, supports treatment adherence, reduces stigma and discrimination, and improves the quality of life of PLHIV across India.
The overall goal of CST component under NACP IV is to provide universal access to comprehensive, equitable, stigma-free, quality care, and support and treatment services to all PLHIV using an integrated approach. Based on the recommendation of NACP IV working group on care and support, the strategy of implementation of the care and support is being completely revamped to ensure cost effectiveness and sustainability. In line with the priorities of NACP IV, the medical services are being completely integrated into the existing health system and simultaneously efforts are being made to strengthen capacity of existing health system for effective delivery of care, support and treatment related services.
Under NACP IV, Care and Support Centres (CSCs) are established and linked to all ART centres across the country. The CSCs will serve as a comprehensive unit for treatment support for retention, adherence, positive living, referral, linkages to need based services, and strengthening enabling environment for PLHIV. This will be part of the national response to meet the needs of PLHIV, especially those from the high risk groups, and women and children infected and affected by HIV.
Project Goal:
To improve the survival and quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS
Project Objectives:
• Early linkages of PLHIV to care, support and treatment services.
• Improved treatment adherence and education for PLHIV.
• Expanded positive prevention activities.
• Improved social protection and wellbeing of PLHIV.
• Strengthened community systems and reduced stigma and discrimination.
Services Delivered:
No. Of PLHIV with various Social Welfare Scheme
Male | 8390 |
Female | 11198 |
Sexual Minorities | 19 |
Male Children | 3927 |
Female Children | 3510 |
Total | 27045 |
Service Enrollment:
The above table gives details on enrolment data of 2015-16 financial years. The enrollmentdetails consist of 2 CSC’s(KNP+1 &2), totally 10264 PLHIV’s including 4966 male5022female, 8 TG’s,142 male children and 126 female children’s were enrolled for different services at KNP+ CSC program. Out of total 10246 PLHIV’s 2724 were in pre ART and rest of the 7386 were in ART medicine.
Kodagu CSC:-The enrollment details totally 1057 PLHIV’s including 454 male, 520 female, 0TG’s, 46 male children and 37 female children’s were enrolled for different services at KNP+ CSC program. Out of total 638 PLHIV’s 186 were in pre ART and rest of the 452 were in ART medicine.
Hubli CSC :-The enrollment details totally 4342 PLHIV’s including 862 male, 1302 female, 4-TG’s, 97 male children and 77 female children’s were enrolled for different services at KNP+ CSC program.