Every PLHA should enjoy the dignity in Society by improving quality of life

Karnataka Network for People living with HIV/AIDS (KNP+) is a state level network of HIV Positive People in Karnataka registered under Karnataka Societies Registration Act on 18th September 1998 at Bangalore. It is affiliated to Indian Network for People Living with HIV/AIDS (INP+), Chennai.

KNP+ was born to cater the needs of the PLHA in Karnataka, to set up a forum which will enable and empower PLHA to put forth a united voice and thereby be a part of the solution to the HIV pandemic. Presently KNP+ has 28 affiliated District Level Networks across the state and extending continuous support to strengthen them. In these 16 years KNP+ registered a tremendous growth in terms of advocacy, service delivery and network building.

Presently, KNP+ impacted the increase in percentage of accessing the services and brought the PLHIV to mainstream in state wide. It indicates the improvement in health seeking behavior and reduces in stigma and discrimination in the society. About 96593 PLHA are coming together under the umbrella of confidence and hope which is the great strength for KNP+ by March 2015.

We aim to improve the quality of life.

Our Mission

Bring a Voice to Community by networking and Establishing Service Delivery Points across the state. Accomplish advocacy in Public and Private sector for Greater Involvement of PLHAs. Striving for Exterminate Stigma and Discrimination

Our Vision

Every PLHA should enjoy the dignity in Society by improving quality of life, committing to adapt Positive Prevention Principle to prevent further transmission of HIV.

About Us image


KNP+ team is strive to build the capacity of district networks through various advocacies with stakeholders. Each and every district network has one community advocates (Person who has trained through advocacy strategic workshop) who is advocating on behalf of PLHA in their respective District network. This unit is always recommending government and partners that people living with HIV should always be involved in and able to influence debates about health and social policy at all levels. Have the right to the same amount of information and level of support and health care available to all members of society. They are having regular contact with KNP+ state advocacy officer while facing issues in their respective district.

Network building

The HIV positive networks in the state and district were founded on the principles of self-help. From the beginning, people living with HIV have been responsible for the network’s growth and ‘supposedly’ strategic importance in the state’s HIV response. People living with HIV formed the district local networks themselves and their engagement and leadership remains at the core of the Networks efforts and activities. Although Network seeks technical support from professionals, the organization’s bylaws stipulate that its primary oversight body, the execute board comprise only people living with HIV.
· Service delivery
KNP+ through its district networks constantly providing adequate treatment and prevention assistance to growing number of desperate people in Karnataka. Counseling, treatment education, positive living, forming of support net (similar to SHG), linking those groups to bank loans to start IGP activities tec.

Research and Documentation

To implement the care and treatment and prevention program across the state, KNP+ team started with ground work by registering district level networks implemented project in the district. In initial years the networks number is 10 and at the end of the 2010 that covered 29 districts in Karnataka. To prepare community treatment educators and effective peer counseling for its infected people, KNP+ published a hand book called ‘Navajeevana’. With the financial and technical support of project funders, Karnataka Health Promotion Trust, KNP+ published a module on Institutional Building ,Organization Development and Social schemes in the year 2010. . Every year KNP+ involved in developing IEC materials in the State (Information, Education and Communication) and distributing to district networks. Annually KNP+ publishing oranisation annual report which consists information on networks efforts made to betterment of PLHA and its financial statement.

KNP+ also supported various research studies conducted by individual body on stigma discrimination, HIV and pregnancy, mental health of PLHIV, PLHIV insurance in the state. Recently KNP+ conducted a study on reproductive health rights of women living with HIV/AIDS assigned by ICW Asia Specific in two districts of Karnataka i.e. Bangalore Urban and Mysore.

VIHAAN Project

2013 – 2017-Present implementing VIHAAN project-initiated in Bangalore Urban, continued implementing in Bangalore rural, Kodagu, Hubli distirict respectively

Learn More
  • Karnataka Network for People Living with HIV/AIDS 1st Floor, APMC old Administrative office, Near RMC Yard Police Station, Tumkur Road, Yeshawantapur, Bangalore-22